Sunday, November 02, 2008


Despite Josh's persistent efforts to expose Halloween as a terrible excuse for a holiday, candy and costumes won in the end. Halloween wasn't half bad. In fact, it was pretty fun.

Ainslie dressed up like a ballerina. Actually, we dressed her up as a ballerina, but she didn't seem to mind. She was a huge fan of the frilly tu-tu, and even put on a few little dance shows for us. Unfortunately, the costume wasn't quite warm enough for trick-or-treating, so we had to throw a few extra layers on when we went out in the evening.

It didn't take Ainslie long to figure out what trick-or-treating is all about. The knocks gradually got more assertive, and by the end of the night she would just walk right into the house and look for candy on her own. We had a good time visiting some of the people in our ward, and Josh was more than willing to carry Ainslie's candy while she pushed the stroller from house to house. "Candy" has become a very common word around our house these days. Fortunately, Ainslie didn't catch on to just how much she was getting as the night went on. We tucked it away on top of the fridge, and we're hoping that she forgets it's up there.
So, maybe Halloween isn't that bad afterall. If nothing else, Ainslie learned some fun new things to say . . .


bonnie jack said...

she is so cute. next year you won't be able to hide the candy from her...

The Ericksons said...

How fun. She looked so cute and I love the video. It looks like you'll be in for many more costumes and much more candy in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

I love the little video!! What a cutie!

Brady said...

I kinda have to agree with Josh...a lame holiday...EXCEPT when you are a kid. Gotta love the free loot.