Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturdays . . .

Since Josh has started working we're feeling like real grown-ups. What do real grown-ups do on Saturdays? Chores, projects, stuff like that. So Janae has been working on things to keep us busy. Her first thought was finding a solution for this:

She did some looking on and found this:

Then we borrowed a saw from Sue, and Janae talked Josh into cutting the thing in half:
Now it looks like this:

We like having things tucked away a little more. It's nice. With that out of the way, Janae's moved on to the furniture . . .

But our Saturdays haven't been all work. We still managed to squeeze in some celebrating last week for Josh's birthday. We had fun with family coming over to our house, and as usual in this family, the party continues with more family this weekend.
We were also celebrating because we found out that Josh passed the bar exam. For a combined birthday/bar present, Janae got Josh some chocolates from Chocolatier Blue. Fantastic.


Jenica W said...

I love the entertainment center. What a great idea!

Kurt and Jordan said...

How fun!!!! Congrats to Josh what an accomplishment!!! Your cute daughter is growing up so fast!!!

Sara said...

Congrats on passing the bar Josh!